What does bandwidth mean?

In web hosting the bandwidth is a limit of data that web hosting company provide for your site. The amount of bandwidth mainly depends on content and disign of your site and on average number of visitors.

Nowadays web hosting companies offer different types of bandwidth solutions. For instance, you can choose unlimited bandwidth, but you’ll have to pay more. We just want to recommend you not to choose the plan with little bandwith volume because successive web site assume to have a lot of visiters. But everything depends on your site. It is better to scan the plans that web hosting company offers and correlate them with your web site requirements. Web hosting company may disable your site if you use more bandwidth than it was agreed. Some companies do it in another way. They don’t disable your site but take extra money from you.

If you are in a doubt how much bandwidth you need you should ask for suggestions a professional because it is unreasonable to choose a web hosting plan when you have no expectations. The price of the plans depends on bandwidth requirement. High plans allow to use more traffic at one time.

You also may do without smb’s help and calculate your probable bandwidth usage. You should count the size of text and images on one page, then multiply it with expected traffic from the Internet. And, finally, multiply the sum with days of month. The result will approximately equal bandwidth requirement of your web site.

You may take an interest in methods of saving your bandwidth. First of all you should know that the most easy way to limit your bandwidth usage is to create web site with small pages. It is also necessary to follow some more rules:

  • 1.Try to use less grafics and images. It is better to use grafics in GIF format and images and photos in JPEG format.
  • 2.Use text content in HTML format.
  • 3.Use Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).

Remember that usage of numerous large images, grafics, music, online movies in your web site requires high web hosting plan!

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